What if we told you that earthquakes come from the sky, and we are getting data on the Afghanistan earthquake from the Taliban? Well, if you have been keeping score, then you will probably just say, “That sounds like 2023!”
Sometimes, it feels like earthquakes are the planet’s way of talking to us and reminding us of the past. Along these lines, the earth will violently reveal something to us, like the 7.6 magnitude quake that hit Mexico City in 2022. Interestingly, this massive deadly quake unearthed a five-hundred-year-old Maya relic–a beautiful sculpture that was three feet high and five feet long, with incredible detail chiseled into it.

Closeup of Mayan relic. (Image courtesy of MSN)
This relic was unearthed beneath one of the buildings of a law school at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. How striking is it that the old ways were unearthed just beneath the new ways?
To those who suffer the effects and aftershocks of earthquakes, it seems much more like hell on earth. And this year, we have seen plenty of that hellish seismic activity across the globe. As such, more people are coming to the conclusion that adding earthquake preparedness to their lives is a step in the right direction. Once the earth starts shaking, after all, you are at the mercy of subduction.
Table of Contents
Are Earthquakes Getting Worse?
Afghanistan Earthquake
Iran Earthquakes
Why is the Earth So Shaky?
Earthquake Preparedness Basics
Are Tectonic Weapons a Thing?
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Earthquakes Getting Worse?

Massive destruction from an earthquake. (Image courtesy of Pixabay)
Though it seems like there are more earthquakes than ever before, what seismologists have deduced is that there is also much more measuring going on. In other words, humans have more seismic detection tools in the field than ever before, causing every single shiver of the earth’s mantle to be recorded. Consequently, on paper it looks like there are more earthquakes, but we are simply recording many more of them.
What is the Scale?
If we could chalk it all up to measuring smaller earthquakes, then we could put the issue to bed. The trouble is, we are also recording more frequent, larger, and more damaging earthquakes–with record rates of 8.0 magnitude or higher earthquakes since 2004.
Now, magnitude 8.0 is no joke. To put it into perspective, an 8.0 releases energy that is equivalent to one hundred times the amplitude and approximately 1,000 times the energy of a 6.0 magnitude quake, akin to the one that recently struck Afghanistan.
Note that the Great Tohoku Earthquake that hit Japan in 2011–and resulted in the Fukushima nuclear disaster–was a 9.0, and it was so incredibly powerful that it actually knocked the planet off its axis! Needless to say, more of these kinds of quakes are not going to be good for humanity.
In short, we are not seeing more earthquakes overall, but since 2004, the frequency of larger and more damaging earthquakes is rising.
Afghanistan Earthquake
We thought that America pulling out of Afghanistan, leaving behind billions of dollars in weapons, and ceding power to the Taliban sent enough shockwaves through villages like Naib Rafi. However, Mother Nature’s wrath unfortunately had more in store for the people of this nation.
For context, a 6.3 magnitude earthquake is a strong quake that is capable of doing damage to even well-built structures. And in Afghanistan, the people were hit with 6.3 magnitude earthquakes three days in a row.
The good news is that we are getting our data on this emergency from the highly reputable and morally sound Taliban. That’s right, the Taliban has reported that we are dealing with around 2,000 homes, destroyed in twenty villages.
Even better news: the benevolent leadership of the Taliban has allotted only one hospital to serve all twenty villages.
Sarcasm aside, this was a catastrophic event–with a high human cost. In Naib Rafi, a village that was once home to 2,500 people was completely destroyed, with only the men working outside surviving the quake.
Because populations like these have limited medical resources, there are going to be serious casualties–a sobering reminder that we must be prepared to become first responders for our loved ones.
Remember: while access to first aid resources, training, and reference books might not be an option for the people of Afghanistan, it is certainly possible for you. So, are you prepared to deal with the trauma and injury that a significant earthquake can levy upon you and your family?
With this in mind, you need a reliable first aid kit, and you need to know how to use the items inside of it. Ever-Ready Industries creates a great workplace and outdoor first aid kit that is a great edition for your home. Companies like Refuge Medical, meanwhile, conduct training and produce first aid solutions that are made in America.
Lastly, The Prepper’s Medical Handbook is another option that is perfect for the bookshelf or bug-out bag.
Iran Earthquakes

Iran earthquake destruction. (Image courtesy of ABC7Chicago)
In 2022, Iranian seismic activity was staggering. Indeed, the middle eastern nation was rocked no less than nine times with magnitude 4.0 quakes or greater. And though we aren't looking at the same kind of activity this year, we have still seen an Iran earthquake several times in 2023.
On January 29th, 2023, for example, Iran was hit with a powerful magnitude 5.9 earthquake that killed three people and injured over 800. Then, in October, another magnitude 5.4 Iran earthquake hit in the southern part of the nation. This proved to be another powerful earthquake, but in a less populated part of the nation.
Significantly, over 90% of Iran is susceptible to experiencing major earthquakes. On this basis, it is easily one of the most seismically active nations on the entire planet. With two tectonic plates meeting at the Arabian and Eurasian fault line–stretching between Iran and Iraq–the country is immensely vulnerable. Plus, Iran is home to the Zargos fold and Thrust belt, which is a subduction zone.
To explain, a subduction zone is the place where two tectonic plates meet, and one of them begins to slide beneath another. Subduction, notably, is responsible for creating things like mountain ranges and Islands.
In Iran’s earthquakes this year, buildings were reduced to rubble and rock dust. If you are worried about breathing airborne particulates from an earthquake, then you should consider carrying the MIRA TAPR system, which is easy to add to your EDC and will quickly provide access to a reliable respirator.

The entire TAPR system is easy to carry.
All over the world, seismic activity is opening people’s eyes to the fact that our world is changing. We are both measuring and experiencing a more shaky planet.
Why is the Earth So Shaky?

We are reading seismic data differently today. (Image courtesy of Pixabay)
Sixth grade science taught us about the dominant cause of earthquakes on the planet earth. To recap, the mantle is on the move, and when two large plates rub up against each other, you get seismic activity.
With that said, things have mightily changed since our time in middle school. Practices like fracking and wastewater injection, for example, have had people raising their eyebrows about what humans might be doing to affect the frequency of earthquakes.
According to the USGS.gov website, more frequent earthquakes in the Midwest of the nation are not from fracking, but from the injection of wastewater byproducts in oil production.
However, what if the sun, which is ninety-three million miles away, is putting out massive amounts of energy that is affecting our magnetic field so greatly that it is the cause of more powerful earthquakes?
To review, class, how do earthquakes occur? Very good! The tectonic plates rub together, and when large amounts of rock crack and break, the resulting energy release shakes the world around it.
So, how on earth could the sun make the earth’s mantle move? Scientists have used over twenty years of data to study the correlation between seismic activity and solar activity, and they have arrived at QUARTZ.
The makeup of quartz, which is spread throughout the earth’s mantle, is affected by electromagnetic pulses. In fact, it can be deformed and weakened by these pulses, which are also created when large amounts of solar energy bang into the earth’s magnetic field.
Simply put, solar storms that collide with the earth send electromagnetic pulses all over the globe. Weakening quartz in the mantle can hasten the fracturing of rock and violá: solar-induced earthquake.
The Sun’s Effect on YOU

Solar flares are massive sources of energy. (Image courtesy of Pixabay)
Whether from the sun or our own doing, a massive EMP is also going to have downstream effects–not the least of which is civil unrest on a massive scale. You see, sunspots affect us, too! In ways that are as equally hard to believe as the quartz hypothesis.
According to Sultan Bashir Mahmood, years that have an increase of seventy or more sunspots are years of great upheaval. We see violence and chaos spread around the world. (This next part is really going to make you laugh, because it means that we are all basically superman!) Yet along with chaos, murder, and violence increasing during periods of massive solar activity, we see incredible advances in human technology.
The most massive cycle for solar activity ever recorded was between 1954 and 1964. It was in this timeframe that humans set off into space for the first time. We are in a new age of twenty-year high solar activity and massive upheaval. You should be preparing for this. After all, the earth and the people on it are doing wild things.
Earthquake Preparedness Basics
Preparedness is the very best example of “a little goes a long way.” Taking very minor precautions, storing a handful of items in a simple emergency kit, and doing an annual drill for likely disasters will make all the difference.
When disaster strikes, you will return to those simple preps. In an earthquake, simple drills will dictate your actions. If you are not prepared, then you will panic, and panic is no plan.
Build an Emergency Supply Kit
When you assemble an emergency kit, you are aiming to create something that can help you in a number of different emergencies. Now, that might sound overwhelming but, in most cases, we are going to be looking for many of the same things.
Communications (e.g., an emergency radio)
First aid
Disaster specific preps
Wherever you decide to store your emergency kit, you should store your MIRA respirators there, too. It is also a great place to store your gas mask filters. (Just keep them out of radiant sunlight.)
Prepare for Fires
One of the most common and dangerous aftereffects of an earthquake is fire. Between the debris and the fires, the air after an earthquake can be absolutely toxic to your lungs.
With this in mind, MIRA Safety has an incredible Fire Escape Pro Kit that was designed for the increasing wildfire threat.
This kit includes a CM-6M gas mask, two VK-530 gas masks, and a drop-leg mask pouch for easy storage and carrying.

A great kit for earthquake preparedness.
Create an Evacuation Plan and Meeting Place
An evacuation plan is all about exiting your home or business quickly and effectively during a cataclysm. It is also about making sure that everyone knows where to meet up after the evacuation. In an earthquake, this is particularly important, because people get trapped in the rubble.
As such, your entire family should know where to meet in the event of an evacuation. This will let you know, immediately, if someone needs rescuing. It will also help you direct first responders.
In fire safety, you have “stop, drop and roll”–a tried and true process that saves lives. Though it might sound silly, it’s easy to remember and, in an emergency, you will return to what you know.
The equivalent in earthquake preparedness is "drop, cover, and hold."
Step One: Drop on all fours to protect yourself from falling, but also to assure that you can move to a place that is safer.
Step Two: Move to cover that is sturdy and will protect you from falling debris. If you have no cover, then move to an interior wall and cover your head and neck.
Step Three: Holding onto the cover or the wall that you are near–or even your head and neck–will keep you safe from moving into a more dangerous area during all the shaking.
Drill and Drill
Walking through the process of evacuation or practicing drop, cover, and hold are all parts of an earthquake drill. You might also consider identifying safe areas in the home that can protect you from falling debris in an earthquake.
Simple disaster preparedness is something that most people are missing. After all, the onslaught of entertainment and distraction fills our lives with a million reasons not to prepare for disasters like earthquakes.
Until something like the earthquake in Afghanistan hits and we have no plan.
Are Tectonic Weapons a Thing?

The effects of tectonic weapons could be devastating. (Image courtesy of Hackaday)
If the sun can trigger an earthquake, then the war machine should have no problem doing it, right?
Well, for now, tectonic weapons are little more than conspiracy–except for the fact that Moscow had long done research into them, and those findings were published in a 1996 edition of Nature magazine.
No doubt, nuclear weapons create massive destruction, but they also create radiation. The use of nuclear weapons also has serious implications in this modern age. You don’t just get away with launching nukes. There is almost always going to be retaliation of some kind.
Even serious military action is often frowned upon. At least until the politically expedient side of the conflict is discovered and then, lately, it seems that almost everything is justified. Accordingly, we are seeing this in locations all over the world.
Now, imagine how effective you could be if instead of flying drones into targets above ground, you could hit your enemy with a succession of earthquakes, destroying everything from military targets to resources and food production.
So, are tectonic weapons a thing? Do militaries use them? Well, if we understand what triggers earthquakes, it seems impossible to imagine a world where we do not have them. One day, at least.
It’s clear that threats from powerful earthquakes are increasing all over the world. Though these powerful quakes might not be happening in your backyard, we pose the question: wouldn’t you rather be prepared if they start?
Bear in mind that areas with existing fault lines are always going to promote the most seismic activity, so it is best to research the risk profile of your region.
In the end, the Iran earthquakes are a reminder that it doesn’t end with just one. There are aftershocks and threats that go beyond the rumbling of earth’s tectonic plates. In this vein, debris and wildfires are two things that you should prepare for following earthquakes.
There has never been a better time to get prepared. Remember, a little goes a long way!