Albert Einstein is famously quoted as saying, "I know not with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War 4 will be fought with sticks and stones." The human species has, via the intercontinental ballistic missile, everything it needs to send humanity back into the stone age. It is not new technology and yet, it is rapidly expanding technology. Given that Iran is reportedly a mere weeks away from a nuclear bomb, their rocket attack on Israel has to be taken as a global threat. They don't need ICBMs to reach their perceived mortal enemy. With one payload and a short-range ballistic missile, they can set the world on fire. The team here at MIRA Safety can't stop that. However, we can help you prepare your family for the day that most people dread.
Introduction to Iran-Israel Tensions Ballistic Missiles: Iran's Strategic Arsenal Cruise Missiles: A Growing Threat Key Differences Between Ballistic vs Cruise Missiles Israel's Missile Defense Systems: Iron Dome, David's Sling, and Arrow Ballistic and Cruise Missiles in a Future Conflict Global Reactions and the Role of PreparednessTable of Contents
Introduction to Iran-Israel Tensions
If you are just waking up from a 50-year coma, let us introduce you to a world where Iran and Israel are mortal enemies. Since the inception of the Israeli state in 1948, there have been forces in Iran which sought its demise. With the Iranian Revolution in 1979, those forces came to power.
In 1982, Hezbollah was founded with the assistance of Iran during the Lebanese Civil War. It subsequently served as the armed resistance against Israel in the north. Israel could take whatever aggressive action it wanted against the Palestinians, but Hezbollah served as the looming threat that encouraged Israel not to take it too far.
The stunning Israeli victory over Hamas after the October 7th attacks changed the landscape in the Middle East. Hezbollah now found itself facing an assertive and confident Israeli Defense Force, and with the eradication of its leader, the Hezbollah threat seemed diminished. It is in this context that Iran launched conventional warheads against Israel.

Source: Envato
Ballistic Missiles: Iran's Strategic Arsenal
Given the fact that Iran is separated from Israel by Iraqi, Jordanian, and Syrian airspace, attacking Israel is easier said than done. This means that Iran has to rely on attacks with a ballistic trajectory and a flight path that will descend upon Israel from above.
The altitude of such attacks makes them more difficult to intercept. However, the missiles use a predetermined flight path, making it possible for Israel to predict their impact zone. In the case of the October 1st missile launch, Israel actively chose not to shoot down any warhead that they knew would not impact a populated area.
However, it remains that longer range missiles of a hypersonic, supersonic, or subsonic speed still hold the potential to cause substantial devastation. In the United States, it is often a tougher conversation to encourage citizens to prepare for such an attack. In Israel, the average family has no such reservations about preparing for the worst.
Here at MIRA Safety, we plan for the day most people dread. We don't wait until an enemy such as North Korea starts to hit targets within the continental U.S. We prepare today with such products as Hazmat Suits and Detection because we know the day you need it will come without warning. Israel isn't confused about the threat they face. Unfortunately, far too many Americans are ambivalent about that same threat.

Source: Envato
Cruise Missiles: A Growing Threat
Meanwhile, cruise missiles pose a threat to the Middle East and Israel of a different nature. Cruise missiles fly low to the ground and on a straighter trajectory than ballistic missiles. However, cruise missiles can carry nuclear warheads, and with Iran weeks away at best estimates, this threat must be considered.
An ICBM is big, large, and can be seen fueling from space. It can be observed during its boost phase, terminal phase, and beyond. A cruise missile can be launched with little warning and little chance to intercept. It is what makes the American Tomahawk cruise missile such a deadly weapon.
Much like nuclear technology, cruise missile technology is not a genie that can be kept in the bottle forever. It is inevitable that Iran will possess this capacity on a larger scale. Cruise and ballistic missiles will continue to pose a threat to Israel and as such, they will continue to pose a threat to American interests.
Key Differences Between Ballistic vs Cruise Missiles
So, what's the difference between cruise missiles and ballistic missiles? Why does it matter and why are we spending so much time addressing the matter? That's because missiles don't ask our permission before they set the earth's path towards destruction.
Ballistic missiles are used by sophisticated nations and ballistic missiles are generally used as a weapon of conventional warfare. Meanwhile, cruise missiles can be launched from smaller platforms at a low altitude. Cruise missiles are self-propelled and once launched, cannot be recalled.
It is not beyond the realm of reason that a faction or terrorist organization could come into possession of such technology and set the world ablaze. It is a discernible truth that Israel will respond to any such attack from Iran as if it were an attack from the Iranian state itself. As such, we are not dealing with routine diplomacy. A small group of people and one air-launched cruise missile is all that is necessary to set the world on a path towards World War 3.
Israel's Missile Defense Systems: Iron Dome, David's Sling, and Arrow
While it is true that the ballistic missiles launched by Iran on the October 1st attack were largely ineffective, the reality is that Israel's missile defense systems showed their vulnerabilities. The Iron Dome, David's Sling, and Arrow interceptors were not capable of stopping every missile.
Don't get us wrong, the Israeli air defense system did a fantastic job. However, it wasn't perfect. As such, the responsibility for the safety of the average Israeli family still rested with that household. So it is with American households.
We know that it may seem like a foreign concept to consider the continental United States under a similar threat. It should be noted that China, Russia, and North Korea all possess similar and superior technology to the ballistic missiles used against Israel. Submarine-launched ballistic missiles can have this threat on your doorstep in a matter of minutes.
The bottom line is that we simply cannot rely on the United States Military to protect your family with impunity. They will do a hell of a job, but your family's safety is still your responsibility. Any long-range weapon equipped with the right warhead is all that is needed to rain on your perceived invincibility.
Ballistic and Cruise Missiles in a Future Conflict
It is a discernible truth that both ballistic and cruise missiles will play a significant role in the future of modern warfare. Longer-range ballistic missiles and various types of cruise missiles are certain to become a more common threat as technology proliferates around the world.
However, they are not what scare us the most. Rather, it is AI and the use of drone technology that should send every prepper into game-time decision-making. Yes, cruise missiles carry nuclear warheads, but your average drone is big enough to carry chemical and biological weapons with ease.
CBRN threats are more prevalent today than at any time in the world's history thanks to AI and drone technology. The Iron Dome is perhaps the greatest defense system against long-range missiles and short-range threats that exists today. It was not perfect during the latest attack.
One AI-guided drone with enough chemical or biological weapons is all that is needed to break through and cause havoc. We sell top-rated CBRN gas masks, not because we think they are a fun product to sell. Rather, we sell them because it is a matter of inevitability given the progress of technology that they will one day be needed.
The missiles in use today as demonstrated against Israel are a problem. However, it is the technology of tomorrow that worries us. As Israel is learning today, you cannot rely on your government to protect your family against every threat. Your family's safety is on you and you alone.
Global Reactions and the Role of Preparedness
We say it often, but we genuinely wish our business was not necessary. We are confident in our entrepreneurial abilities, and we believe that we could make a buck through other means. We simply view this business as a calling.
It is our mission to prepare you for the day that most people dread. It is our calling to see to it that you have what you need to secure your family's safety. The Iranian attack on Israel may have been unprecedented, but it was also inevitable. As much as it breaks our heart, the notion of a nuclear weapon being used in such an attack seems very much the same.
We pray that we are wrong, but we will continue to prepare as if we are right. We encourage you to do the same. If we can be of any help in that venture, please don't hesitate to reach out. The nation of Israel should serve as the canary in the coal mine of liberty and security. Where they are under attack today, one can be certain that the United States of America will follow tomorrow. Stay frosty. Stand ready. Prepare.

Source: Envato