Yes, "SHTF" (sh—t hits the fan) sounds dramatic, but it's a sobering reminder that big and small disasters strike and disrupt our lives when least expected. Ditch the doomsday prepper stereotype! Preparing for emergencies isn't about paranoia; it's really about empowerment.
While the Hollywood zombie horde might be fiction, disruptions to critical systems like power grids, food supply, or healthcare are very real possibilities and can leave many people vulnerable.
But we aren't about being the victim mentally here, as being prepared is all about putting the power back in your hands.
This guide won't turn you into a post-apocalyptic warrior, but it will equip you with the knowledge and tools to build resilience and face whatever curveballs life throws your way.
Table of Contents
Understanding the Concept of SHTF
Identifying Potential SHTF Scenarios
Key Components and Considerations to Building Your SHTF Plan
Strategies for Immediate Action — Bug In or Bug Out
Think About Thriving Beyond the Initial Crisis
Gear and Equipment Essentials
Choosing the Best Gas Mask for SHTF Situations
Understanding the Concept of SHTF

Civilian with a gas mask (Image courtesy of MIRA Safety)
Ditch the stigma that prepping is for crazy people; trust me, nobody will make fun of you when the going gets rough. Prepping is actually the hallmark of thriving. Our ancestors, who survived thousands of years ago, did so because they stocked up on food for the harsh winters.
They understood that to keep the fire of life alive, they must be proactive about threats and dangers.
We are here today because our ancestors had SHTF situations happen to them regularly, and they adapted. Having their villages raided and pillaged by outside forces, droughts, famines, outbreaks, and regional wars were INCREDIBLY common.
It took our civilization thousands of grueling years of strife and struggle just to escape this routine and create modern life. But that doesn't mean bad things don't happen today.
The term SHTF, while oddly explicit, has a notable point you shouldn't miss! When really bad things happen, they tend to make everything worse exponentially and rapidly. If banks stop letting people withdraw, or if the power grid goes down nationwide, it's going to get ugly, QUICK.
So, what's the first step in building an SHTF plan?
Ditch the Mentality of ‘Bad Things Can’t Possibly Happen Here’

Firefighter battling an industrial fire (Image courtesy of Envato)
Imagine this: you're settling in for a relaxing evening when the power cuts out. No big deal, right? Flick on the flashlight, maybe light some candles. But then, the news reports a widespread cyberattack or storm, and you realize it might be days before things get back to normal.
You might think, "The power company will fix it." But even the most well-prepared infrastructure can be overwhelmed.
- Disruptions can leave everyone scrambling to adjust, including the very people you might rely on for help. Power lines are down, roads are impassable, and emergency services are overwhelmed. The familiar hum of the refrigerator is gone. The grocery store shelves will be bare by tomorrow.
You get a harsh, unsettling thought: What if there's no quick return to normal? The power outage damage might be more extensive than anticipated, and the recovery could take weeks, not days.
This is a worst-case scenario that you might think happens only in developing countries; it can't possibly happen in the US, right?
Identifying Potential SHTF Scenarios

Image courtesy of MIRA Safety
Before we go into the many ways society can fall apart, let's first look at some scenarios that have already happened:
Real Examples of Drawn-Out Grid Down Scenarios
- Hurricane Katrina (2005): This devastating hurricane slammed into the Gulf Coast, leaving parts of New Orleans without power for weeks. The lack of electricity led to widespread water shortages, sanitation issues, and looting.
- Puerto Rico Power Outages (2017-2018): Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico in 2017, causing a near-island-wide blackout. Due to a combination of factors, including a fragile power grid and slow repairs, it took months for some areas to regain full power. Residents faced major challenges with food storage, communication, and healthcare.
- COVID-19 Pandemic (2020-2021): The global pandemic disrupted daily life and strained healthcare systems worldwide. Prolonged lockdowns and social distancing measures led to economic slowdowns, supply chain disruptions, and increased reliance on digital infrastructure. Many faced challenges with remote work, education, and maintaining access to essential services amidst ongoing uncertainties. An global crisis that we are still seeing lasting impacts from even through 2024.
- Texas Winter Storm (2021): An extreme winter storm crippled the Texas power grid in February 2021. Millions of Texans were left without power for days, even weeks, in freezing temperatures. This resulted in burst pipes, food spoilage, and a strain on hospitals relying on electricity for critical equipment.
As you can see, SHTF scenarios do occur, even in a country with extensive infrastructure like the US. The point is that SHTF situations come in all shapes and sizes, and they can strike anywhere.
The good news is that we almost always collectively recover, even if it takes weeks, months, years, or decades. But even if things will eventually go back to “normal,” it will likely happen slowly and gradually, meaning you still need a plan.
Most Common SHTF Situations

Image courtesy of MIRA Safety
Disruptions can vary greatly, from natural disasters like hurricanes that devastate entire regions to manmade disasters like conflicts and wars. When creating an SHTF plan, you must be aware of what is most likely to happen.
Knowing what to prepare for is almost as crucial as preparing, as it means you know what to expect, what the likeliest challenges are, and how to counter them.
Here are some events to watch out for, what they affect when they occur, and how to survive them:
1. Economic Collapse:
What it affects: This scenario disrupts the financial system, leading to widespread unemployment, shortages of essential goods, and a breakdown in social order.
Survival needs: Stockpile non-perishable food, water, and basic medical supplies. Develop barterable skills like basic repairs or gardening. Build a strong community network for mutual support.
2. Pandemic Outbreak:

Image courtesy of MIRA Safety
What it affects: A highly contagious and potentially deadly disease spreads rapidly, overwhelming healthcare systems and causing societal disruptions.
Survival needs: Maintain a well-stocked first aid kit and essential medications. Practice good hygiene and sanitation measures. Have a plan for communication and isolation, if needed.
3. Social Unrest:
What it affects: Civil unrest due to political instability, economic hardship, or social injustice can lead to violence, property damage, and disruptions to essential services.
Survival needs: Secure your home and consider a bug-out location if necessary. Have a communication plan with your family. Stockpile some non-perishable food and water for short-term disruptions. Practice basic self-defense techniques (situational awareness, de-escalation), but prioritize avoiding confrontation.
In just the last ten years, we have seen all of these play out to some extent in the US, and people who didn't prepare for them were hit the hardest. And even if these SHTF events didn't lead to extinction, many people still tragically suffered when it could have been prevented with some foreplanning.
Key Components and Considerations to Building Your SHTF Plan

Image courtesy of MIRA Safety
Test Your Gear and Response Timing!
It's all about practical preparedness, not Hollywood heroics. Prioritize your needs based on your location. Earthquake zone? Secure loose objects, have an escape plan, and maybe reconsider that decorative sword collection (looking at you, bedroom warriors!).
Remember Occam's Razor: the most likely threats are the ones you should plan for, not the zombie apocalypse.
Planning is crucial, but practice makes perfect. I speak from experience. My city got rocked by a historic earthquake (the strongest in 200 years for my zone) at 5 am during a snowstorm.
Despite knowing I lived near a fault line and having a vague evacuation plan, let's just say my response wasn't exactly textbook. Sure, I stumbled out of bed, but the adrenaline almost made me forget to take my younger siblings out of harm's way, let alone grab the emergency kit.
The key takeaway? Drills are your friend.
Practice your plan with your family, especially during off-hours, to simulate the unexpected!
That way, when the real SHTF moment hits, you'll be ready to spring into action, not fumble around in the dark.
Note: Aim for a minimum of a two-week supply, considering dietary needs and preferences.
Strategies for Immediate Action — Bug In or Bug Out

Civilian with a HAZMAT gear (Image courtesy of MIRA Safety)
When a disaster comes around, you will be faced with a major decision that will have serious consequences — should you bug in or bug out?
Let's break down both strategies to help you make the best call:
Option 1: Bug In (Shelter in Place):
This strategy works best for short-term disruptions, localized disasters such as tornadoes or floods, or when evacuation routes are unsafe.
To help you understand which scenarios could mean that evacuation would be too dangerous, we have prepared a list of the most common short-term disasters that can occur almost anywhere.
Let’s examine which cases sheltering in place might be safer than relocating:
Short-Term Disruptions: Think Survival Kits

Civilian with a CM-7M Gas mask (Image courtesy of MIRA)
- Power Outages or Service Outages: While they might be inconvenient, short-term power or water outages are often best managed by staying put.
- Tornados, Hurricanes, and Typhoons: If a tornado warning is issued, sheltering in a designated storm shelter or basement is your safest course of action. Have a plan, especially if you live in a tornado- or hurricane-prone area!
- Floods, Tsunamis, or Dam Overflows: If a flash flood is imminent and evacuation routes are threatened by rising water, staying put on higher floors and seeking high ground might be safer than attempting to escape.
- Hazardous Materials Spills: Chemical spills or releases can contaminate evacuation routes, making staying put with proper ventilation a better option.
- Wildfires (Uncontrolled Fires): When wildfires are rapidly approaching and evacuation routes are engulfed in flames, sheltering in place with a pre-planned fire mitigation strategy becomes necessary.
While these are the most common occurrences where sheltering in place is required, there are many other situations to consider. A general guideline is to weigh the risk of staying put against the risk of evacuation in any given situation.
Tip: When harmful pollutants or toxins from a wildfire or toxic chemical spill are present, a respirator survival kit with multiple different filter types can shield you from inhaling these dangerous toxins, potentially saving your life or preventing long-term health consequences.
Important Considerations for Bugging In:

Civilian with supplies and food stocked up (Image courtesy of MIRA Safety)
Bugging in is a reasonable approach for short-term disruptions, but it's important to remember it's not a one-size-fits-all solution.
Use your best judgment based on the specific situation. For instance, Hurricane Katrina tragically showed that not everyone could evacuate during a major disaster, highlighting the limitations of sheltering in place.
Here is a list of crucial things to consider when choosing to bug in:
- Shelter Preparation: Reinforce windows with storm shutters if possible. Secure loose objects outdoors to prevent flying debris.
- Supply Stockpile: Ensure your emergency kit is well-stocked with non-perishable food, water, medications, a first aid kit, sanitation supplies, and basic tools.
- Communication Plan: Have a communication plan with family in case phone lines are down (designated meeting spot, pre-arranged text messages).
- Resource Conservation: Minimize water and power usage during the crisis. Utilize flashlights and alternative cooking methods if needed.
Benefits of Bugging In:
Let's imagine you're facing a short-term power outage or a localized storm. Bugging in at home during these situations can offer several advantages. Think of your home as your own personal shelter, already stocked with the supplies you've prepared. This familiarity and comfort can be a huge plus when dealing with the unexpected.
Another benefit is the control you have over your resources. Whether it's food, water, or medication, you know exactly where everything is and how much you have on hand.
Plus, by staying put, you avoid adding to traffic congestion on evacuation routes, making it easier for emergency responders to reach those who need help. If the outside environment is too dangerous or hazardous, it's best to wait it out from the relative safety of your home and relocate if needed when the situation improves.
Note: Scenarios like hazardous material spills or wildfires are two examples where your route to escape might be obstructed, or you might need specialized gear to get out of danger.
Bug Out (Evacuation): When Leaving Is the Safest Option

CBRN gear and Powered Air Purifying Respirator (Image courtesy of MIRA)
Facing a situation where leaving your home is the safest option can be stressful, but sometimes, evacuation, the act of relocating to a safer place, becomes the most important step to take. This strategy is crucial when immediate danger threatens your home, whether it's a natural disaster, civil unrest, or an unexpected crisis.
Here are some examples of the importance of evacuation in a broader context:
Long-Term Disruptions: Wide Spread Threats

Person with a CBRN Gas Mas (Image courtesy of MIRA Safety)
- Social Unrest/Civil Unrest: If widespread violence erupts in your city or neighborhood, bugging out might be necessary to reach a safer location with friends or family outside the affected area. This could involve riots, looting, or large-scale protests that turn violent.
- Societal Collapse: In a more extreme situation, a breakdown of social order and infrastructure could necessitate bugging out to find a more stable and secure environment. This is a complex scenario, but it could involve a complete loss of essential services like electricity, water, or food distribution.
- Widespread Disease Outbreak: During a rapidly spreading and highly contagious disease outbreak, evacuating might be necessary to isolate yourself from infected areas and seek medical attention in a less affected region. This would depend on the severity of the outbreak and the availability of resources in your area.
- Large Chemical or Industrial Accidents: If a major chemical spill or industrial accident occurs near your home, moving out of the danger zone could be crucial to avoid exposure to hazardous materials.
- War (WW3 or Regional Conflict): In the unfortunate event of a war, bugging out might be necessary to evacuate from a warzone or an area at risk of military attack. This would depend on the specific circumstances of the conflict and official instructions from your government.
Important Considerations for Bugging Out:
Evacuation during an emergency might feel disruptive, but it has key benefits. When done right, it gets you away from danger zones, reducing risks of injury or illness.
Imagine your fridge bare during a crisis. Evacuation can lead you to areas with better access to essentials like food, water, and medical care. Think of it as a chance to regroup and recharge.
Think About Preparedness Beyond the Initial Crisis

Bugging in, or sheltering in place for an extended period, can be a viable strategy during certain emergencies.
Prepping isn't only about surviving the initial SHTF event; it's also about ensuring that you thrive afterward. As we mentioned earlier in this article, in some SHTF scenarios, it will take longer than expected for the order to be restored, and there might not be any government help coming to save us.
Long-Term Bug-In Needs for Peace of Mind
In a worst-case scenario, bugging in might be the only option during an SHTF event such as a nuclear attack; having a well-sealed basement stocked with supplies can provide some protection from fallout.
Even if this scenario doesn't happen, the basic requirements for long-term bugging in remain the same.
- Stockpiling Essentials: Aim to have at least a year's worth of non-perishable food, water purification tablets or filters, and basic hygiene products. Consider additional supplies like medications, sanitation solutions, and fuel for cooking or heating (depending on your climate).
- Shelter Security: Fortify your home and rotate with others to watch for intruders or looters. Utilize warning signs or barbed wire to deter break-ins. Invest in a quality generator to maintain power during outages.
- Beyond Basics: Think beyond just food and water. Stockpile essential tools for repairs, a first aid kit, communication devices (battery-powered radios, for example), and items for entertainment and morale during a prolonged stay indoors.
Long-Term Bugging Out for Wilderness Survival After Societal Collapse

Civilian in the wilderness (Image courtesy of MIRA Safety)
If you are faced with a scenario where things aren't going back to normal, such as a total supply run or drawn-out societal unrest, you might have to consider getting out of the hot zone where the concentration of desperate and armed people competing for limited resources is high.
Societal collapse is a serious scenario, and long-term bugging out into the wilderness requires careful planning and a realistic understanding of the challenges involved. This isn't a walk in the park; it's a test of resilience and resourcefulness.
Here's a breakdown of key considerations:
- While escaping societal chaos, you might encounter other survivors with varying intentions. Develop a plan for securing your camp and possessions, and be prepared to defend yourself if necessary. Always keep your gunpowder dry!
- The isolation and loneliness of long-term wilderness living can be emotionally challenging. Consider bugging out with a group of trusted individuals for support and increased security.
- Be prepared for extreme weather conditions, limited access to medical care, and potential encounters with dangerous wildlife. Wilderness survival requires a deep respect for nature's power and the ability to adapt to changing conditions.
Remember that long-term bugging out is a last resort. Carefully weigh the risks and rewards before making this decision.
Note: Sharpen your survival skills before the collapse. Learn about foraging wild plants, building shelters, starting fires without matches, hunting and fishing techniques, and basic wilderness medicine.
SHTF Gear and Equipment Essentials

Person with a rifle in tactical gear (Image courtesy of MIRA Safety)
Invest in high-quality, durable gear like a backpack, a tent, a sleeping bag, water purification tablets, a fire starter kit, a sturdy knife, and a first aid kit. Stockpile essential supplies like non-perishable food, tools for repairs, and basic hygiene items.
The five main categories of prepping include Water, Food, Shelter, Medicine, Security, and Protection.
Here is a checklist of the minimum supplies needed for long-term SHTF survival:
- Water purification tablets or filters and containers for water storage
- Generator (consider fuel storage and noise precautions)
- Solar panels and battery bank (for long-term power needs)
- Basic repair tools, sewing kit, and other work tools
- Prescription medications (at least a year's supply)
- Over-the-counter pain relievers, antihistamines, antidiarrheal medication
- First aid kit (bandages, antiseptic wipes, pain medication, thermometer)
- EMP shielding (research effectiveness and local regulations)
- Firearms suitable for your location and environment and enough ammunition for them
- Iodine tablets (in case of nuclear emergencies)
- Tent, tarp, and other camping shelter gear (for temporary outdoor shelter)
- Sanitation products, soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and feminine hygiene products
Choosing the Best Gas Mask for SHTF Situations

Image courtesy of MIRA Safety
Imagine these scenarios: smoke billowing from a nearby industrial accident, a chemical spill sending plumes into the air, or a wildfire raging out of control.
These scenarios, once confined to dystopian fiction, are becoming increasingly real possibilities. Stockpiling food, water, and first aid supplies is wise, but what if the air itself becomes a weapon?
Do I Really Need a Gas Mask for SHTF Situations?
A gas mask isn't just a prepper cliché; it's a potential lifeline. There is a reason you see every post-apocalyptic character in games or movies wearing a gas mask; it's not just for show.
Disaster can unleash a cocktail of toxic threats: smoke laced with carcinogens, industrial chemicals, or even radioactive particles. Inhaling these can cause serious illness, permanent lung damage, or even death.
Best Gas Mask Kit for CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) Threats

CM-6M Gas Mask (Image Courtesy of MIRA Safety)
The MIRA Safety EvakPak™ features a CM-6M gas mask designed to shield you from a wide range of toxic industrial chemicals, smoke, and even CBRN agents.
The included filters provide versatility, with the NBC-77 SOF offering comprehensive CBRN protection and the VK-530 safeguarding against smoke and carbon monoxide inhalation.
Potassium iodide tablets round out the kit, potentially mitigating the effects of radiation exposure on your thyroid gland.
Best Gas Mask Kit for Wildfire and Fire Escape
We offer a specialized Fire Escape Pro Kit designed to protect you from toxic chemicals and smoke emitted during a fire with specialized filters designed to filter particulate matter.
The CM-6M Gas Mask boasts a wide panoramic view for navigating during emergencies and is designed to shield you from hazardous gases associated with fires. It also has a built-in hydration system for extended use.
VK-530 Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Filters: These filters offer protection from smoke, particulates, and high levels of carbon monoxide, making them ideal for wildfire scenarios.
Having the Right Mindset

Man in HAZMAT Gear (Image Courtesy of MIRA Safety)
Prepping starts with a mindset switch — by preparing for the worst-case scenario, you're not just stockpiling supplies (although that's important, too!). You're also cultivating a powerful mindset.
Prepping gets you in the mindset of proactiveness and adaptability!
Accept that you can't change global or unforeseen events, and instead, recognize that it's on you to ensure that you survive them. Prepping is also about being adaptable and accepting that over a long period of time; it's not a matter of whether something bad will happen, but when.
You build mental resilience and fortitude:
Preparation builds resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks. You'll develop the mental agility to adapt to changing circumstances and find creative solutions to overcome unexpected obstacles.
You will have a headstart when bad things strike, where time is invaluable!
You'll be prepared to find alternative solutions and adjust your daily routine, while others might struggle in unfamiliar situations.