Talking with a MIRA Safety customer, founder Roman Zrazhevskiy was asked a question that altered our approach to safety and preparation. After explaining the merits of our world renowned gas masks, the customer asked the profound question, "What about my kids?" Having recently become a father himself, Roman had the epiphany that why in the world are we helping people survive the day most people dread if we are not helping their children do the same?
What parent would even want to survive if they had to watch their child suffer through the lens of a gas mask or hazmat suit. It was at that point that our company pivoted to providing life-saving PPE for the entire family or not at all. The MIRA Safety hazmat suit and gas masks are now an essential element of wholistic family protection.
Table of Contents
Protective Hazmat Suits in All Sizes for All Ages
Biohazard and Chemical Threats are More Common Than You Think
Hazmat Protection for Children is a Priority for MIRA Safety
A Kids Hazmat Suit Built to Survive Every Toxic Threat
Why Gas Masks and CBRN Protection Should be Part of Your Kit
A Protective Suit Designed to Shelter in Place or Move on the Go
Prepping is Both an Art and a Science
Responsible Prepping is not a Halloween Costume
Table of Contents
Protective Hazmat Suits in All Sizes for All Ages
Biohazard and Chemical Threats are More Common Than You Think
Hazmat Protection for Children is a Priority for MIRA Safety
A Kids Hazmat Suit Built to Survive Every Toxic Threat
Why Gas Masks and CBRN Protection Should be Part of Your Kit
A Protective Suit Designed to Shelter in Place or Move on the Go
Prepping is Both an Art and a Science
Responsible Prepping is not a Halloween Costume
Protective Hazmat Suits in All Sizes for All Ages
If you own a gas mask for yourself and don't have one for your child, we simply ask why you purchased one to begin with. Do you believe the threat to be serious or not? If the answer is yes and the threat is real, equipping your child to survive that hazard is a parental must.
Unfortunately, when you Google hazmat suit for children, all you get is a list of Halloween costumes as the internet has relegated child safety to a joke. You're interested in protecting your child from a biohazard threat and all the internet will show you is a hazmat hazard zombie costume.
Our protective suits are designed for serious protection. This is full CBRN protection hazmat protective gear that comes in sizes including multiple XL and right down to sizes small enough to fit children as young as four years old. We don't sacrifice quality for the sake of novelty. This is not a disposable outfit or a costume for kids. This is the difference between life and death for the little ones that matter most.
Biohazard and Chemical Threats are More Common Than You Think
There are those who scoff at our line of gas masks for children and other PPE for youth as going too far. They like to ask about the odds that a kid will find themselves in a situation where they need to suit up. The fault in that logic comes from people not understanding what threats exist around them.
It is true, that a kid is not going to be on the front line of a radioactive hazmat response. It is true that your kid is not going to be kicking in a door wearing a biohazard suit to gift a permanent dirt nap to some bad guy.
However, there is a higher than average chance that your kid lives within the radius of one of the 13,000 plus chemical manufacturing plants in the United States. Your kid lives within arms reach of train tracks transporting all sorts of dangers across the United States. Again, if you own a respirator for yourself, why would you not have one for your kid?
Hazmat Protection for Children is a Priority for MIRA Safety
Despite the naysayers, we can't get the image of a parent enjoying breathable air thanks to one of our products and simultaneously watching their child suffocate to death. We don't say that to induce fear in you as the fear and responsibility that we feel is enough for us to take action.
Child hazmat protection is a priority for us and it always will be as a result of that one question a customer asked us many years ago. That's why we sell a full set of PPE, including a polyester jumpsuit, hood, gloves, and shoes that are custom designed to fit your little ones. If you want to know how far we are willing to go, we even have a safety ark for the pets. We offer protection for the entire family or no protection at all.
A Kids Hazmat Suit Built to Survive Every Toxic Threat
Now that you know we are serious about child protection, let's talk a little more about how our suits holdup. Our HAZ-SUIT fabric is made from a durable, puncture-resistant film composite with an excellent barrier to over 125 threats. This includes chemical warfare agents and toxic industrial chemicals.
Your kid will have protection from exposure to mustard gas, sarin gas, and VX nerve agents for over 480 minutes. This suit has been tested and is trusted by military and law enforcement agencies around the world. Does that sound like a hazmat suit costume?
Why Gas Masks and CBRN Protection Should be Part of Your Kit
The first part of this article, we were speaking to the prepper who already has the knowledge to understand the various CBRN threats around them. We were just encouraging them to not forget about their children. Now, we're going to shift more towards those who think protecting against these types of threats is overkill.
If you carry a firearm, you do so knowing that there is a better than average chance you'll never have to fire it at another human in your life. The average person does not get into a firefight and if they do, it's usually the one and only time in their life they will do so.
However, you carry that firearm because you also know that the one single second place finish in a firefight is enough to end your life or that of those you love. No second place finishes in a gunfight is a practical and reasonable goal.
The same logic holds for a CBRN environment. It is not something that's going to happen every other day, but the one time a nuclear incident breaks out, being unprepared for that day is rather unforgiving. Having face and body protection for yourself on that day and not for your child is an incident where you will never be able to forgive yourself.
A Protective Suit Designed to Shelter in Place or Move on the Go
One of the key features of military style MOPP (Mission Oriented Protective Posture) gear like we sell is that the suit allows you to move and fight if necessary. When a massive fire breaks out at an industrial plant like the one that broke out at a biolab in Georgia in early 2024, the civil defense authorities will often tell you to shelter in place.
That doesn't mean that staying in your home offers you any real protection from dangerous gases or vapors in the air. Rather, they just know they don't have alternative plan to offer up. When a massive industrial fire breaks out next door, getting away from the threat is actually your best move. You simply can't do that if you don't have the right gear against gases and vapors.
A MOPP suit allows you to put on gear in less than a minute and get the hell out of the danger zone. In a prepping environment, there are times where you will indeed want to shelter in place. However, there are also times where you need to move to your fallback location.
If you live in an urban environment and an EMP has been unleashed, the clock is ticking for you to get out of town before humans starting turning on one another. Check out our guide on urban survival for more thoughts along those lines. The bottom line is that there are times where moving is your best option and you can't do that in a CBRN environment without the right gear.
Prepping is Both an Art and a Science
The science behind prepping and CBRN protection is pretty clear. Our suits are designed to withstand the greatest threats and they have been tested to that end. However, we also like to think of prepping as an art. Art requires patience and vision to understand the end game.
For us, protecting our families against these threats requires that same patience and vision. We know people who have been prepping for over 40 years and have yet to use their bug out bag, have yet to fire their weapon in anger, and have yet to put on a respirator in a time of need. Yet, they are still some of the most dedicated preppers we know.
They have not lost the vision and nor have they been lulled into complacency by the lack of action. They can still see the end game and they know what happens on the day the SHTF. Like an artist, they are always improving their plan and preparing for the day that most people dread. So it is and so it will be with you and your family.
Responsible Prepping is not a Halloween Costume
It burns us up that the internet has relegated protecting your family to some costume contest entry. People searching for real options to keep their kids safe in a dangerous environment will have to weed through pages of novelty costumes before they come across a real PPE option for their children.
We're doing out best to get the word out and at least get parents to consider what it takes to protect their children. Especially those who already understand prepping and may have a gas mask for themselves but not their children.
You only get to parent your minor children for 18 years. As they approach teenage years, they are often times big enough to fit into adult gear. Prior to that, there is a number of years where gear targeted towards children are the only options.
Our children are protected because we know too much to ignore the threat. We are pleading with tears in our eyes for parents across the United States to do the same. Understand the threat and embrace this time that you've been given by God to steward your young children's safety.
We'll end this article the same way we started. If you have gear for yourself, why not have gear for your children? That was a question asked of us years ago and it altered the course of this company. We provide protection for the entire family or no protection at all. Child safety will always be a priority to our team.
Frequently Asked Questions